About Jéssica Mangue

I’m Jessica, passionate about wellness.
I am moved by everything that naturally helps us to live and share in harmony.
I am a certified Chiro-massage therapist with 7 years of experience.
I am currently studying Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is indispensable in my mission. Since I find in it, all the tools to live in a healthy way.
Studying Traditional Chinese Medicine opened the door to my Vision, the reason why I am writing these lines.
I'll share more about me and my story
I was born in Valencia where I studied administrative because I had to study something and I was good at it. For a long time I didn’t know what it was to have a purpose, a vision, a mission. The history of my profession is about that.
8 years ago I went to try my luck in Mallorca, it was one of my best decisions. The island is my favorite place.
I worked as an administrator in a center of Therapies and Alternative Activities, in the Ling Tai Center, there I fully discovered what Wellness was and I became passionate about it.
Knowing and practicing everything that naturally helps to live and share in harmony, became my Purpose. That same year I enrolled in Chiromassage.
A few weeks after finishing the course, I found a job as a masseuse. An experience that gave me the certainty that this was my path. That summer I discovered that my hands and my essence help balance the body and mind. My Mission materialized.
Since then, I have always worked and studied, for and for Well-being, taking courses in Bioenergy, Bach Flowers, Essential Oils and training in Thai Massage.
Twice I have tried to finish Traditional Chinese Medicine, an indispensable requirement in my mission. But my intuition told me that I would look for more, and I started paying attention to what my clients were telling me. And my conclusion was that we are all in need of self-understanding, we have a hard time being compassionate with ourselves.
And hence my change of course, bach flowers have been with me for many years. And without them I would not have carried out any of my ventures, at all levels. Without them I wouldn’t have finished any therapy, without them I wouldn’t have learned to embrace my shadow, without them I wouldn’t have had the courage to undertake blindly and with almost no money, without them I wouldn’t have put Love and Faith at the top of my list of priorities.
Studying the Bach Flowers with Mirta has been a pleasure for all my senses. It has given me confidence, a new and very personal approach to my venture, I want to help us learn to embrace our shadow.
Now I’m studying the relationship of emotions to muscle aches. I am also in a seminar where I learn to work with energies through chakras, reiki, stones, among many other tools.
From Traditional Chinese Medicine, I’ll keep everything, I’ll go back to it. I use their tools and practice them. I needed different tools to live and work, change was necessary. Since I find in everything holistic and integral, all the tools to live in a healthy way.
Studying Traditional Chinese Medicine opened the door to my Vision, the reason why I am updating these lines.
- Chiropractor since 2016, trained at the Estena School of Natural Techniques.
- Trained in Thai Massage since 2018, by the Estena School of Natural Techniques.
- Intensive Bach Flower Training, to beat stress. Amaris SCCL Formation, 2020
- Edward Bach Flower Therapies Course, formed by Lotus Light, 2024