Two people jog along a sunlit trail, casting elongated shadows. The sun is low in the sky, which creates a silhouette effect. Two other corridors can be seen in the distance and trees line the path.

Running Valencia

Table of Contents

Valencia, with its Mediterranean climate and its commitment to sport, has established itself as one of the most attractive cities for running lovers. Along its coasts, parks and streets, running has not only become a popular physical activity, but a way to connect with oneself on a mental and emotional level. Running involves much more than moving the body; It is a form of active meditation, a way to release daily stress and, for many, a tool for self-knowledge.

However, running, and especially preparing for a race, can stir up intense emotions that need to be managed to achieve a healthy balance. In this article, we will not only explore the benefits of running for the body and mind, but we will also see how tools such as holistic massage and Bach Flowers can be fundamental allies in this process of physical and emotional growth.

A person in sportswear kneels on an urban sidewalk while tying his sneakers. He wears a tank top and headphones, with buildings and a street in the background.

The Benefits of Running for the Body and Mind

Running, when practiced on a regular basis, brings with it a series of benefits for both physical health and mental well-being. Here are some of the most prominent benefits:

1. Improved Cardiovascular Health

Running is an intense cardiovascular activity that gets your heart and lungs working. Regular running helps improve cardiovascular fitness, which translates into better blood circulation and increased endurance. Studies have shown that those who run frequently have a significantly lower risk of heart disease and circulatory problems.

2. Strengthening Muscles and Joints

Running is a low-cost exercise that works numerous muscle groups. When running, the muscles in your legs, abdomen, and lower back are strengthened, as are your joints. Although it may seem like a simple activity, repeated impact on the ground stimulates bone density and reinforces joint stability, helping to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

3. Weight Management

Running burns a significant amount of calories. For those looking to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight, running is one of the most effective ways to burn body fat. However, it is essential to combine it with a balanced diet to achieve the best results.

4. Mental Health and Stress Reduction

One of the most appreciated benefits of running is its ability to reduce stress. During the race, the body releases endorphins, known as the “happy hormones”, which generate a feeling of well-being and euphoria. Running, especially outdoors and in natural environments, can be a way to “clear your mind”, leaving behind everyday worries and problems.

5. Increased Concentration and Restful Sleep

Running not only flatters the body, it also helps improve mental clarity and concentration. Many runners report that after running they feel more focused and productive. Likewise, running regularly contributes to improving the quality of sleep, helping those who suffer from insomnia or difficulties to rest well at night.

A group of runners take part in a marathon on a wide, divided road, lined with trees. The scene captures the diversity of the participants in an urban context, with autumn leaves visible on the tree-lined avenue.

Emotions and Running: The Emotional Journey of Preparing for a Race

When it comes to training for a race, especially a long-distance one, the emotional journey can be just as challenging as the physical. Every runner goes through different emotional phases while preparing, and it’s crucial to recognize them in order to know how to manage them properly. Here are some of the most common emotions:

1. Enthusiasm and Initial Motivation

The moment you decide to sign up for a race is full of excitement. At first, it’s easy to feel a burst of energy and motivation as you imagine yourself crossing the finish line. However, this initial enthusiasm may wane over time, as training becomes more demanding and routine.

2. Doubts and Fear of Failure

As training progresses and the race approaches, many people experience doubts about their ability to complete the challenge. It is common for the fear of failure or not being sufficiently prepared to appear. These feelings can demotivate you, but they are completely natural and can be managed properly.

3. Pre-Competition Stress and Anxiety

The days leading up to the race are usually the most emotionally tense. The pressure to perform well, personal or others’ expectations, and fear of the unknown generate a state of anxiety in many runners. This type of stress can affect sleep and the ability to enjoy the event, so learning how to manage this tension is critical.

4. Euphoria and Post-Career Satisfaction

Completing a degree is a very rewarding experience, both physically and emotionally. The satisfaction of having achieved a goal, added to the release of endorphins during the race, can generate a feeling of euphoria. This state of happiness and satisfaction is one of the reasons why many runners sign up for new races over and over again.

A person, perhaps after running, receives a leg massage. Hands gently press and knead the calf area of a bare leg in a relaxing setting. The warm, intimate lighting highlights the smooth skin and soothing ambiance, reminiscent of Valencia's tranquil retreats.

The Role of Holistic Massage in the Running Process

Holistic massage isn’t just a form of relaxation; It is a powerful tool that works on various levels of the human being: physical, mental and emotional. Traditional massages focus on relieving muscle tension, but the holistic approach goes further, considering how emotions and mental state affect the body.

1. Benefits of Pre-Race Massage

The days leading up to a race are crucial for preparing the body and mind. A holistic massage in this period can be very beneficial:

  • Muscle relaxation: A pre-race massage helps relieve tension built up during training, allowing muscles to be in their optimal state on race day.
  • Reduced anxiety: Holistic massage not only works on the body, but also on the mind. By calming the nervous system, it reduces anxiety and nervousness before the competition.
  • Energetic alignment: Holistic massage also seeks to align the body’s energy flow, which can help balance emotions and maintain a positive and calm attitude before the event.

2. Post-Race Massage for Recovery

After a run, the body needs some recovery time, and massage can speed up this process significantly:

  • Relief of muscle stiffness: Running long distances can lead to muscle stiffness and joint pain. Post-run massage helps release tension and prevent injury, promoting faster recovery.
  • Elimination of toxins: During physical exertion, the body accumulates toxins that can cause fatigue and general discomfort. The massage stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, favoring the elimination of these toxins.

Emotional recovery: Physical fatigue after a race can be accompanied by an “emotional downturn” after the euphoria of crossing the finish line. Holistic massage helps to rebalance emotions, providing a sense of peace and well-being.

Brown dropper bottles are arranged with various wildflowers and green leaves on a light textured surface. The scene, featuring pink clover and yellow blossoms, captures a natural and earthy aesthetic reminiscent of a tranquil morning run in the lush landscapes surrounding Valencia.

Bach Flowers: An Emotional Support for Runners

Bach Flowers, a therapy developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 20th century, are flower essences that help harmonize emotions. These natural essences can be especially helpful for runners who face an emotional roller coaster during preparation and competition. Here are some flowers that could be useful in this process:

1. Mimulus: Against Fear

Fear is a common emotion before a race. Mimus is ideal for those runners who feel anxious about the challenge or who fear that they will not be up to the task. It helps calm nerves and regain confidence.

2. Olive: For Physical and Mental Fatigue

Consistent training can lead to both physical and mental exhaustion. Olive is a flower that restores vital energy, allowing the runner to continue their preparation with renewed focus and renewed strength.

3. Walnut: For Adaptation to Change

The process of preparing for a race involves numerous changes, both in the daily routine and in the physical and emotional state. Walnut helps adapt to these changes, providing emotional stability and easing the transition to new challenges.

4. Rescue Remedy: The Emergency Remedy

Rescue Remedy is a combination of several Bach Flowers designed for emergency situations or intense stress. It can be useful both before the race, to calm the nerves, and afterwards, to restore emotional balance.

The Importance of Consulting a Professional for Bach Flower Assignment

While Bach Flowers are a natural and safe therapy, it’s critical to remember that each person is unique, and the emotions you experience during preparation and competition in running can vary widely. Flower essences are designed to work specifically on emotional states, so it is essential to choose those that best suit each runner’s personal situation.

For this reason, it is highly recommended to go to a qualified professional in flower therapy. A therapist specialized in Bach Flowers can make a personalized evaluation, listening to your emotional and physical needs, to select the essences that best fit your condition at each stage of the preparation and post-career process.

A professional will help you identify the underlying emotions that may be influencing your performance or well-being. In addition, they will know how to adjust the formulas as you evolve during training or after the race, ensuring that the essences remain effective and appropriate for your situation. In this way, Bach Flowers become an emotional support perfectly adapted to your specific needs, enhancing your mental and emotional balance all the way to your goal

A person runs down an empty road wearing blue and orange sneakers with white stripes. The runner's legs are visible, which shows movement and speed. The background includes a road barrier and vegetation.

A Comprehensive Approach to the Corridor

Running is much more than just a physical activity. For many, it is a practice that integrates body, mind, and spirit. The emotions that arise during training and races are natural, and it is important to manage them in a healthy way to fully enjoy the experience.
The combination of holistic massage and Bach Flowers offers a holistic approach that goes above and beyond

Picture of Jéssica Mangue
Jéssica Mangue

Valencian by birth, I moved to Mallorca 8 years ago, discovering my passion for wellness. Since then, I have studied and practiced various disciplines such as chiromassage, bioenergy and Bach Flowers, always focused on harmonizing body and mind.